Ground Control to Major Linas

The SMC + Linas

Shumutza...but we'll come back to that. (disclaimer: spelling is only for entertainment purposes)

Linas Kmieliauskas, Cheif web editor for (Verslo žinios online)
Linas is a very unassuming person in the office, but I am about to find out that there is a different Linas.

 The first time we meet Linas comes into the office I am working in with Arunas to chat, it comes up that he lives very near my apartment in the old town of he offers to walk with me home and show me (maybe) a better route than the one i have.

 As we walk we talk. A plan is made, Linas will show me around the nightlife (read bars) of the city.
The First Bar Crawl

The first stop of the night is a small pub just down the road from my place. It is dim, with a low ceiling and few patrons, all hunched together in their own private conversations. We have one beer hear, still having awkward conversations that tell us nothing about one another.

The next bar is very different.

This is more my kind of place. The music is loud. The bar is packed, and everyone is around the same age as me. The walls are decorated it early-punk-douchebag, and you have to exit into the mini-mall behind the place to use the bathroom.

We start drinking seriously now. The conversation turn into the all-familiar drunken exposé of our life stories to one another.

The "What The Fuck 42 Club"

Some guys come over to our table and Linas greets them. They both speak English very well so when we are introduced i am on easy footing talking to them. One of the guys speaks with a heavy British accent, and it turns out that he went to school there for a while, his sentences get more and more punctuated with "bloody" as we consume more and more beer.

Outside smoking a cigarette the British-accented one turns to me and says "do you know what 42 is?"
I almost can't believe what I'm hearing and before they can begin to follow up on that question I have launched into a rant on the topic of Life, The Universe, and which we all know the answer is 42, but what is the question?

It turns out that these guys and Linas have a newly formed Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy club named "What the Fuck 42". Although I can consider them no more than mere neophytes in the game (since their experience of the tale is limited to the new movie) we have an instant bond.

...And the drinking ramps up from there, of course.


Sometime around 2 am. Linas and i separate from the pack of 42-ers and he takes me to his favorite, and traditional night-ending spot. The contemporary art center. I know. But it has a fantastic bar-by-night, cafe-by-day, attached to it. So the "Šiuolaikinio meno centras" (contemporary art center), or "SMC" (read shumutza!) welcomes us in, and offers us whiskey. Ah, it feels like home.

Potato Pancakes at 4 am.

Good thing around the corner is a resturaunt that stays open well past 6 am. because when we get the boot from the SMC at 4 am. I am that immediate drunk-hunger kind of way. God I love Lithuanian food!