Ground Control to Major Linas

From Vilnius to Warsaw to Stockholm to Riga and back again

Ugnius asked me "did you want to travel while you are here?"...once again my answer is "hell yes!" It's like everything Ugnius touches turns into an amazing adventure.

The beginning of this trip is a two-day meeting in Warsaw with the other Bonnier brands in our region: one in Warsaw (Pols Bisnesu), one in Slovenia (an investor blog), and us. We are all pooling resources to purchase a CMS and CRM and basic magic bullet of a software and server system to replace anything we are using for print, web, marketing and advertising, as well as scheduling and record keeping. I remain skeptical that such a system exists in this set of dimensions.

The plans are made. I will accompany Rolandas and Arunas to Warsaw to sit in on, and possibly contribute to, the meetings and discussions about the CMS/CRM system being pitched by Atex. There I will meet Maria Urso, another GROW participant with Puls Biznesu, a similar business daily newspaper to Verslo žinios in Poland. After that I will fly to Stockholm where I will visit the parent company office (Bonnier AB) and meet Kathleen Goodin, a GROW participant working there on the GRID event. I will spend about 48 hours in Stockholm and leave there by "ferry" to the city of Riga in Latvia...the boat trip will take over-night and go through some Swedish and Finnish islands. Once in Riga I will check out the city for a few hours before boarding a bus back to Vilnius.

And the adventure the next post.

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