Ground Control to Major Linas

The Dark Side of the Longest Day + more better punk rock

The longest day, and consequently the shortest night, are cause for celebration. I ate, I drank, I made merry, and I saw some excellent music. In honor of the good time I had (all hail me and my awesomeness) I will now recount the best-of-the-best of Vilnius punk rock and the concerts I got to see during the few days of never-ending sunlight and parties.

Vytas (not Vytis)

Gaile has a friend, and he has a band. His name is Vytas. Say hi to Vytas.
Vytas in Mekas Duo

Mekas Duo...there are two of them
Vytas was introduced to me several times and has really been a great guide to the local music here. He showed me the most amazing underground website that has been up since the inception of the punk, metal, avant-garde scene here. ( It is a really good source for information and music from the best of Vilnius, as well as being a central point of unification for the scene.

Vytas Live in Concert

Vytas' band's name is Mekas Duo, they are awesome. Say hi to Mekas Duo.


SC is comprised of: 2 singers (1 female, and 1 male), 1 bass player with an amazing dreadlock mullet, and 1 incongruous drummer. They are also awesome.

Say Hello to SC.

The first time I saw SC they were playing at 11-20  when we arrived for the first time, I only caught the end of the show so I had no idea how good they really were. They have been around in the Vilnius punk scene for a very long time (according to our guide Vytas) and I would have to describe their sound as a Halloween-carnival ride with perfect dissonance in the vocals, and absolutely no resemblance to any other band I know (so I'm not going to say shit like "they sound like Fleetwood Mac dry-humping a distortion pedal while Jim Morrison masturbates in the corner...even though that would be awesome).


Nomeansno is an old-school punk band from Canada (and when I say old-school, i mean they are all really old now and should be using walkers to get onto stage). SC opened for them at a very cool warehouse-converted-venue in Vilnius. If you don't know, now you know...

Also...Linas, Gaile, and I were caught on camera and showed up on the facebook photos for the concert. Not a terribly interesting story, we were just hanging out on the back patio in-between sets, but doesn't Gaile look like she's having fun?

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