Ground Control to Major Linas

The "What To Have for Lunch Everyday" + Tadas and Rema

Tadas and Rema work across the hall from me.

Almost every day, like clockwork, Tadas will appear in the door and say "lunch?", at this point i began to salivate because of the Pavlovian response this triggers. This is because very early on in my time here Arunas, Tadas, and Rema, began taking me to a place called "Bistro" for lunch. It was there that i discovered the wonderful world of Cepelinai su mė life, my taste-buds, and my stomach, have never fully recovered, we just suffer through life in an eternal Cepelinai withdrawal until i hear that magic word again. 

There have been other foods, and other diners, but "Bistro" remains a constant in my life, and the Cepelinai su mėsa remain delicious.  Once they took me to a cafeteria that had once been open only to the employees of the library but was now available to the public. They also had good Cepelinai su mėsa...and chicken Kiev. Really everything i have eaten here so far has been an amazing assault on my taste-buds and preconceptions about potatoes. 

...with one exception

Chinese food here is not the best, it only even attempts to cover a very narrow piece of the Chinese food spectrum, and even then only with utilitarian effort. But one place created such an exceptionally bad version of this cuisine that everyone eating it (save one) swore to never return to that fateful building.  That one was Rema, since she is a vegetarian she was spared the horrific war-crime of a meal the rest of us experienced. 

I can't remember the name of the restaurant, probably because my mind created a scab over that piece of memory as a survival mechanism. But i will find out and update this entry, so that it may serve as a warning to all those who may come after me. 

Update: the place is called "Rytai"—consider yourself warned.  

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